The premises is clean, tidy and understated, and the table service is decent. The bar comprises of 14 taps, and, when we visited, all were Kernel beers. A good selection of their Pales, IPAs, Saisons, Brown ales, Sours and Foeder beers were on offer. A well stocked fridge contained alternative Kernel options and supplies for takeaway.
No food is sold here but luckily, due to it’s location, you’re unlikely to go hungry for long as there are many fabulous street food places nearby.
The only minor frustration was that we had difficulty in checking our beers into Untapped as the site appeared to be a dead zone for several mobile networks (on the day we visited at least). A wifi network was available but the password didn’t appear to be displayed anywhere ( or, if it was, we’d drunk too many beers to see it!)
Overall, a pleasant experience was had and all the Kernel beers slipped down a treat. If you find yourself on the Bermondsey Beer Mile the venue is certainly a good starting point especially as it opens at 11:00 on a Saturday, an hour or 2 before most other taprooms on the mile.