Brewer’s Corner News & Views

NEWS & VIEWS – 13th November 2023

Farewell to Alpha Delta
Extremely sad news broke this week, detailing the closure of Alpha Delta. Ross was our first ever Podcast guest, and he has remained a close friend of TWICB ever since. We wish him the very best in whatever he turns his considerable talents to next.


Rate Relief Extension Demanded
The Government’s Autumn Statement is fast approaching, and the Hospitality Industry is demanding an extension to business rate relief. If the Government decides not to extend relief from March 2024, it will mean an average cost increase of £12,500 per pub, according to night time economy adviser Sacha Lord.


Pub Closure Rate Slows
Slightly more promising news is reported by the Hospitality Market Monitor, detailing that the rate of closure of UK licensed premises is slowing, although the total number has dropped below 100,000 for the first time since the Monitor started tracking it.


Sustainability Limited?
Let’s close with a rather bizarre story suggesting that creating multiple beer styles with short production runs is somehow limiting brewery sustainability efforts. In our opinion many UK craft breweries are actually leading the way with their green initiatives, founded on a hyper-local focus.


