NEWS & VIEWS – 11th September 2023
Hard To Make A Profit
Let’s start this week with the Morning Advertiser, who report on a pessimistic theme we are hearing widely across UK Craft Beer at the moment, which is that, whilst turnover numbers are generally decent, it is almost impossible to trade at a profit, due to cost pressures.
Let’s start this week with the Morning Advertiser, who report on a pessimistic theme we are hearing widely across UK Craft Beer at the moment, which is that, whilst turnover numbers are generally decent, it is almost impossible to trade at a profit, due to cost pressures.
Trouble Brewing In The US
Trouble is definitely brewing in the US, with significant Craft Brewery closures being reported coast to coast. Here is an article that takes a close look at the scene in Denver, home of the esteemed Great American Beer Festival.
Trouble is definitely brewing in the US, with significant Craft Brewery closures being reported coast to coast. Here is an article that takes a close look at the scene in Denver, home of the esteemed Great American Beer Festival.
Come In For A Miserable Time
The brilliant Boak and Bailey thoroughly skewer the negative impact that Heineken are having on the London pub scene.
The brilliant Boak and Bailey thoroughly skewer the negative impact that Heineken are having on the London pub scene.
Hop Harvest Time
We have definitely saved the best article until last this week. Jeff Alworth takes a detailed look at this year’s Pacific Northwest hop harvest, including some incredible photographs.
We have definitely saved the best article until last this week. Jeff Alworth takes a detailed look at this year’s Pacific Northwest hop harvest, including some incredible photographs.