Brewer’s Corner News & Views

NEWS & VIEWS – 29th July 2024

Cautious Optimism in the Hospitality Sector
Cautiously positive news this week from the RSA Hospitality Tracker which showed that the sector grew 2.9% in the year to June 2024, which is slightly above inflation, although down from the 3.6% growth seen in the year to May.


Brewery Numbers Continue To Drop
Meanwhile SIBA’s Brewery Tracker showed that the total number of active breweries in the UK is now 1,748, down 29 since Q1 2024, although they note that most independent breweries are reporting strong consumer demand and good sales growth.


Pilsner Replacing Pales in the US
Jeff Alworth at Beervana has an interesting perspective this week, noting that in the USA, IPA demand remains strong, but Pales are being replaced
by Pilsners at many Craft Breweries. In the UK at the moment, it is the IPA category which is suffering, with Pales being the style that is showing all the growth! Could we be witnessing UK Craft Beer diverging from the US market, rather than following as it usually does?


50,000 Beer Tasting Notes
Finally, if you have been following TWICB for a while, you will know that Steve and Rob are committed Untappd “Tickers”. However our modest obsession is spectacularly overshadowed by Andy Morten, who writes in the Guardian about his accumulation of 50,000 beer tastings! In 2004 he attending a remarkable 109 Beer Festivals! Andy, we salute you!



