Brewer’s Corner News & Views

NEWS & VIEWS – 16th September 2024

Large Drop in On-Trade Sales
The news is generally rather bleak this week. Firstly Beer Today quotes the NIQ Daily Drinks Tracker which showed that on-trade sales for the first week in September dropped 12% year or year. This seems to be significantly weather related, as we were basking in 30 degree days this time last year.


US Beer Industry In Decline?
Now for three rather sombre articles, focused mainly on the USA scene. The Drinks Industry takes a broad look at the US beer industry, where the numbers are not good, with both malt and hop production demand way down this year.


Centralised Production
Vinepair looks at the curious case of Left Hand Brewing (no relation to Bristol’s own LHG), who are crowd funding in the USA, with the intention of establishing an Evil-Macro-style centralised production facility to help Craft Breweries cut costs.


The Demise of Four Pure
Finally, our favourite beer journalist Jeff Alworth takes a look at the demise of Fourpure in the UK and Anderson Valley in the US, and draws some interesting conclusions.


