Brewer’s Corner News & Views

NEWS & VIEWS – 9th September 2024
Only Half of Hospitality Vendors Broke Even During Summer
Let’s start this week with grim news from the Morning Advertiser, who report
that a quarter of hospitality operators traded at a loss over the free-to-air-sport laden summer, with around half trading at breakeven, in what should have been a bumper season. It doesn’t bode at all well for what is to come this winter, in terms of closures.


Minimum Unit Pricing
The Pub Curmudgeon has never been a fan of Government intervention, and he is railing this week against the mention of minimum unit pricing, which he sees as the tip of the iceberg, foreshadowing further heavy-handed treatment by the nanny-state.


Collaboration Focus
Ferment magazine this week has a nice article digging into brewery collaboration, with a focus on the relationship between Brew York and Amundsen.


The Next Big Thing?
Finally, at Beervana Jeff Alworth introduces us to what could be the next big thing coming out of the USA, hard hop water! Jeff is convinced that this could be something significant, and we must admit we are keen to give it a try!



